EXCLUSIVE Gaana app trick to get unlimited paytm coupons [100% working] -

1.Requrements of this trick -
*Gaana apk
*Two facebook accounts-one your original and one any other.
*Paytm app.
2.Procedure -
#1st note down your Gaana refer code if you are old user and
New user just sign up with facebook.
#Now do factory reset of youwave and install ganna app again
#Now open Gaana app sign up with your 2nd facebook id and
put referral code of 1st and main gaana id.
#You will get rs.10 in your 2nd id and rs.20 in your main Gaana
#Now login in gaana.com in desktop using 2nd Gaana id then go
to setting and then click on remove your device, and click on
deactivate your account using link which you will get in mail.
#Login in Facebook with 2nd id and then go in facebook settings
> apps settings> remove gaana app
#Now thats it Repeat steps 2-8 again and again like five times
till your main gaana id balance reach to 110 or 100.
#Now deactivate the main 1st ID when balance of it reach to 110
as in the same way like we did in step number 6 and 8
#You can repeat all the above steps again and again unlimited
times to get unlimited paytm recharge codes
Follow the procedure as they way mentioned above and get free recharges.
